Thursday, December 22, 2005

In mint condition

Girl: Oooh, there's the War Museum!
Guy: Um, that's the Mint.
Girl: Aaaaaaaaaw!
Guy: Um, that's why it says "Royal Mint." It's where they make the money.
Girl: Yeah, "Mint" is short for "War Museum."

-#3 Bus
Submitted by C.

Monday, December 12, 2005

Banking on model behaviour

Girl #1: Yeah, I heard she's sick.
Girl #2: Yeah, she's spending her money like friggin' Tyra Banks.

-#1 Bus
Submitted by C.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

White is the new black

Chick: I don't know if she realizes I have a sensitivity about being white.

-Apartment building

Flashes of idiocy

Chick: She's such a blooper.

-Rideau Centre

No hidden message

Dude: That is soooo 1981.
Chick: Those JEANS are so 1982.

-Elgin St.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

To get rrrrid of ze Frrrrench accent

Girl who just finished an English test: So, after they said I was advanced, they made me take a grammar test, and you know I didn't do good.

1 minute later...

Girl who just finished an English test: They offer a course in advanced pronunciation. Who needs a course to learn to pronunciate things??

-Lobby of government building
Submitted by C.

Actually, that's the dunce hat

Little girl putting on purple hat: I am a GENIUS!

-Rideau Centre
Submitted by C.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Pulling a Britney

Bearded dude: You are so Britney Spears right now.
Chick: What?
Bearded dude: You look like white trash.


One tough cookie

Chick: You want a cookie?
Dude: Yeah, sure.
Chick: Did you wash your hands?
Dude: No, I'm a guy... Yeah I washed my hands and then I douched.
Chick: Can you douche your pee-pee hole?


That's whore-ific!

Pottymouth chick: I put the "ass" in class.
Dude: You put the "whore" in a word that has W-H-O-R-E in it.


But it can bite

Cabbie: How's the weather out there?
Lady in cab: It sucks.
Cabbie: Weather doesn't suck, it freezes. I wish it sucked.
Lady in cab: ...
Cabbie: So, is it pretty windy out there?

-Rideau St.

Weathering a sand storm

Teen girl #1: Hey it's the weather girl!
Teen girl #2: Weather *WOMAN*.
Not weather woman: No, that's the *other* brown girl.
Teen girl #1: Oh... sorry.

-George St.